Category: Health

Tear Iraq apart | BOGOR RADAR

IN trip to Gudo Temple, Jombang, yesterday I opened email from America. The sender was an old friend: drg Irawan. From LA. From the e-mail, we can see that Irawan is scratching his fingers: he wrote a long one. About

Study: Mothers less likely to have trouble breastfeeding

The study population included 634,111 mothers who gave birth, of whom 54,476 (8.6%) had physical disabilities, 19,227 (3.0%) had sensory disabilities, 1048 (0.2%) had intellectual or developmental disabilities , 4,050 (0.6%) had multiple disabilities, and 555,310 (87.6%) had no disabilities.

Instant Pot Duo 9-in-1 launched by PT SESA

Photo Ket: Instant Pot Duo 9-in-1 Multicooker product launch. (Photo/Sesa Public Relations) Peel carefully, gemasulawesi – SESA Company (In good health Naturally) that manufactures, sells and distributes products in good health. Now launch the tool to cook in good