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The death toll from the earthquake that struck the Indonesian island of Java earlier this week has risen to 310, after rescuers found more bodies under a landslide, an official said. At least 24 people are missing.

In devastated towns in West Java, people gathered near badly damaged mosques for Friday prayers. Others joined rescuers to pray among tents at evacuation centers.

The bodies were found on Friday in two mountainous parts of Cianjur district, where landslides triggered by Monday’s quake brought tons of mud, rocks and broken trees, the head of the National Agency said. Search and Rescue Henry Alfianti.

More than 1,400 rescue teams have searched the rubble since the 5.6 magnitude quake injured more than 2,000.

Suhariando, head of the uniquely named National Disaster Mitigation Agency, said relief teams would continue to search until reconstruction began.

Let’s do it to the last person. Do you lack strength, enthusiasm or equipment? said Suhariyanto.

He said the distribution of food and other aid has increased and reached more people in 110 evacuation locations.

The disaster management agency said at least 56,000 homes were damaged and at least 36,000 people were displaced by the quake. Hundreds of public facilities were destroyed, including 363 schools.

Earthquakes of this magnitude usually do not cause much damage. But Monday’s quake was shallow and rocked a densely populated area that lacks earthquake-resistant infrastructure.

Indonesia is frequently hit by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis as it is located on an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific basin known as the “Ring of Fire”.

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Robert Butler

"Bacon aficionado. Hardcore twitter enthusiast. Hipster-friendly pop culture expert. Student. Certified beer buff."

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