Serious Sukabumi Residents Are Ready To Run As Candidates For The 2024 Presidential Election, Here’s The Motivation

SUKABUMI, – Wibowo, a resident of Sukabumi, declared himself ready to stand as a presidential candidate (capres) in the presidential election (Pilpres) of 2024. Wibowo’s motivation to run for office was based on his sincerity in developing the Indonesia.

The man who heads the library of Syamsul Ulum Islamic College (STAI) admits that he does not have billions or trillions of rupees in capital. He also realized that he was not known to the public.

Even so, Wibowo said, he was ready to stand as number one in Indonesia with a vision and a mission to build glory for Indonesia like in the days of President Soekarno.

It’s no joke, Wibowo’s appointment is taken seriously. “I see Indonesia is a big country. The most archipelagic country in the world. It has the second longest beach after Canada,” Wibowo said on Friday (01/27/2023).

Next, Indonesia has the fourth largest population after China, India, and America. The majority of the population is Muslim. “It’s very calculated. Also, since Indonesia’s independence, we have adhered to free and active political politics, including members of the non-aligned movement in Asia and Africa,” Wibowo said. .

Publisher: Agus Warsudi

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